Sustainability Policy

At Tewkesbury Park, we’re dedicated to merging luxury with environmental responsibility. Our sustainability policy reflects our commitment to minimising our ecological footprint, supporting the local community, and implementing sustainable practices throughout our operations.

Environmental Stewardship

Energy Efficiency
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Unit: We’ve installed a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) unit that converts LPG into electricity, using the by-product of hot water to heat our resort. This highly-efficient system allows us to generate energy on-site, reducing our reliance on external sources and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Energy-Saving Measures: We’ve transitioned to LED lighting, increased insulation throughout and introduced energy-efficient glazing units to improve thermal performance. We generally favour fresh air over air conditioning to reduce energy consumption.

Operational Practices: Our team is encouraged to turn off kitchen equipment, towel rails, heating and lights when areas aren’t being used.

Water Conservation
Water-Saving Technologies: We use water-saving fixtures, including dual-flush toilets. Our water heating needs are efficiently supported by our CHP unit, minimising water wastage.
Water Filtering System: We have introduced a water filtering system with TP-branded reusable bottles to replace single-use still and sparkling bottled water, further reducing plastic waste.
Towel Management: To prevent unnecessary towel changes – especially for single occupancy stays - we leave one set of towels in the bedroom wardrobes, and encourage guests to reuse towels during their stay.

Waste Management
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: We’re committed to minimising waste through comprehensive recycling programs and reducing single-use plastics.
Sustainable Packaging: We collaborate with suppliers to reduce packaging waste and explore eco-friendly alternatives.

Sustainable Sourcing
Eco-Friendly Products: We prioritise sustainably sourced products, including eco-friendly toiletries and locally-produced goods.
Responsible Procurement: We favour suppliers who share our commitment to environmental sustainability.
Local and Seasonal Produce: We source food as locally as possible and focus on using seasonal produce in our dining offerings to support local agriculture and reduce our carbon footprint.

In-Room Amenities
Refillable Bottles: We have replaced small, individual toiletry bottles with larger, refillable one in our guest rooms to reduce single-use plastics and minimise waste. We work with the Natural Spa Factory of Bath, who produce plant-based, cruelty-free skincare products in the UK.
Directory App: We have moved away from printed in-room directories, which require regular updating and reprinting, in favour of a virtual directory that all guests can access via an in-room QR code.

Grounds Maintenance and Biodiversity
Wildflower Meadows & Diversity of Planting: We have designated areas of our grounds for wildflower & ensure that newly-created beds and borders, have a variety of species to promote biodiversity and support local wildlife. These meadows & planted areas provide essential habitats and food sources for pollinators and other species.
Tree Management Program: Our comprehensive tree management program ensures the health and longevity of all our trees, particularly our historic oaks. Regular assessments and maintenance protect their health and enhance the beauty of our grounds.
Beehives: We maintain our own beehives to aid pollination, support local bee populations, and contribute to the health of our surrounding ecosystem.

Community Engagement

Supporting Local Businesses: We bolster the local economy by sourcing products and services from nearby businesses and artisans.

Respecting Heritage: We honour and integrate the cultural heritage of our region into our guest experience and operations.

Employee Engagement: We provide training to our staff on sustainability practices and encourage their active participation in our initiatives.

Guest Involvement

Informing Guests: We educate guests about our sustainability practices through informative materials and interactive experiences

Feedback Mechanism: We value feedback from our guests on all aspects of our business, including our sustainability efforts and use this to continuously improve our practices.

Monitoring and Reporting

Metrics and Reports: We regularly track and assess our utilities consumption and relate this to our environmental performance. We keep abreast of new technological developments that might improve our performance further still.

CHP Unit Monitoring: The performance of our CHP unit is monitored to ensure optimal efficiency and effectiveness in energy and hot water generation.

At Tewkesbury Park, we’re committed to providing a luxurious experience while making a positive impact on the environment and community. Through this sustainability policy and initiatives such as our CHP unit, LED lighting, refillable in-room amenities, biodiversity-focused grounds maintenance, and local food sourcing, we aim to lead by example, foster a culture of environmental stewardship, and inspire our guests and partners to join us in our commitment to a sustainable future.